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United States
About Me
30 - 45
Paraplegic / Quadriplegic
meeting new friends
My name is Brittanie. I was born with a rare immune disorder. So, I have been sick my whole life, but I haven't let that stop me. I'm a fighter! When I was 24 years old, I was paralyzed, during emergency heart surgery. I will gladly explain more, if asked. This came with many complications, including a blood clot, a massive stroke, TBI, among other things. I say, I can either choose to be bitter, or better. I choose to be better! Each day is a new day, to better myself.
I love music. It is where I go, when I am depressed, anxious, happy, etc. It is my everything. I love to read, although I don't have much time, or energy for it anymore. I love hanging out with family, and friends, every day that I can.
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