

My Photo
United States
About Me
30 - 45
My husband is blind, hard of speech, and epileptic due to traumatic brain injury. He is also a C1-C7 complete quadriplegic.
I am a carer
meeting new friends
My fiancé and i were planning to get married a year ago, but a motor vehicle accident delayed our wedding. He recently got home in a wheelchair as a C1-C7 complete quadriplegic. If all goes well, we sill plan on getting married in the distant future, but we still aren't sure when.
I enjoy hiking and biking through nature with my family.
Spending time with my husband
I wish to get married to my wonderful fiancé.
Anything by Michael Buble.
Haha, I can't think of any! You can give me some suggestions if you like.
To Kill a Mockingbird
My fiancé is such an inspiration to me. He's been through so much in the past year, and he still keeps fighting.
Somewhere in the wilderness where I can spend time with the ones I love.
My Penpal
My fiancé, Tim, was in a fatal car accident 3 weeks after he proposed to me. He was in a coma for 2 months, and in that time I was in shock. Finally, after eight excruciating weeks, he woke up. But, to both of our dismay, he was permanently disabled. He broke his C1-C7 vertebra, making him a complete quadriplegic. I learned that he most likely would never walk again, and he would need the help of a 24/7 and his family members to perform every day tasks. He has trach and a ventilator to help him breathe, and he needs feeding tubes to help him get nutrition. Along with his spinal cord injuries, he has traumatic brain injury. He is completely blind in both eyes, and he has the inability to speak.

Tim's homecoming was not too long ago. It has been a long journey for both him and me since his accident, but I will do whatever it takes to help him live as close to a normal life as he can. I joined this site to connect with other carers or handicaps, and to help Tim see that he can live a normal life even with all his disabilities.

We do still plan on getting married if all goes well, although we don't know when. I would like to send my prayers to Tim, and I want him to know that I love him.

Email me at KarenGBlack@dr.com if you would like to help and support me and my soon to be husband. Thanks!

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