

My Photo
United States
About Me
46 - 59
Cerebral Palsy
meeting new friends
I am 58 years young . I have lived with CP all of my life and it's been a long hard journey .Some days are hard some are good . I have been married 5 years to my handsome husband Chuck and between us we have 7 children . I have two boys and two girls and he has two girls and one boy .We have 5 beautiful grandchildren.|.
I love reading,watching movies ,going out with my friends and family.
My Penpal
Hi everyone. I am a 58 years old women who lives with CP every day. I love reading.spending time with my handsome husband and friends. I love to travel see new places. I love ,art,music and writing poems are short stories. I would like to correspond with other people who live like I do with a handicap on a daily places to help support one another through the hard days and celebrate the good days .Thanks ,Leah

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