

My Photo
United States
White County/Tennessee
About Me
46 - 59
Blind / Sight Impaired
meeting new friends
i had a meningioma brain tumor removed in 2015 which left me with my upper right leg is partially paralyzed , affects my gait my cognitive skills are slow i have chronic fatigue also have an impingement on sciatic nerve causes nerve pain also have AMD age related macular degeneration i have the dry kind in my left and the wet kind in my right
like to research family history, watch movies , read when i can, like sitting out doors when i can
walking when i am able , working on family history
learn to adjust to my new self
rock, country , blues, jazz, folk
Wizard of Oz, Mary Poppins, Stargate, Star Wars , Thor , The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings , Superman, Xmen , Most Disney movies, like most John Wayne movies,
Star Trek, The Waltons, Grey Anatomy , Supergirl ,
i like historical novels, science fiction fantasy
Kurt Russell, My kids , my brother and his wife ,
i was born in and raised in san diego ca but also liked going to UK have a daughter that lives there

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