Telepes Guy
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About Me
46 - 59
The usual maladies...
don`t know
I'm 57 and have what some might call a "hidden disability", in that it can't easily be seen by others when I'm fully dressed. I was born with double club foot (bilated telepes) and had many corrective surgeries as a child that left deformities in both feet and lower legs. Always hidden and never talked about!
Used to do a lot, now not so much due to limited mobility, annoying
Snoozing :-D
Who knows really?
Nothing too quiet!
Dune (old one)
Spy stuff
Anything mind-bending
Spy stuff
Anything mind-bending
Unplugged from the wall
No patience for reading
Nicola Tesla
My Penpal
Who uses a pen anymore?! for typing! Love to hear from you soon ;-) for typing! Love to hear from you soon ;-)
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